FIGUREHEAD (ˈfɪɡəˌhɛd)

Photography: Enya Larm
Model: Jye Jenkin
Styling & Jacket: Jordyn Smith

Defining the tailored jacket as the centrepiece, or figurehead, Jordyn combined the silhouette of the tailored jacket, with that of the leather biker jacket. Authority holding, and wielding a sense of power, the concept Figurehead was to define Jordyn’s position within her family. The sole child to her parents, yet surrounded by embedded history - her family name and tartan, Turnbull, not attributed to her at birth, still heavily influences her daily. But when you’re identifiable by the ever common surname Smith, how do you create an identity of your own? The heavy historical attributes of wearing a family history shown in the dropped shoulders, but the blooming of a new venture through the lace collar details.

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After learning the basics of pattern making in year 1, second year semester 1 is defined by the silhouette of the tailored jacket, and the traditional construction of such. Learning how to draft a lapel correctly, to using the correct internal stitches are integral to this semester. A technical jacket is created to begin with, followed by our own interpretation of the jacket for our final assessment.
